Messages About The Urgency of Spreading the Cause

Written on 02/27/2018
The Flame of Love Diary

The following passages are drawn from the Flame of Diary containing messages from Jesus and Mary as given to an Hungarian woman, Elizabeth Kindelmann, from 1961 – 1982. The Diary carries the Imprimatur of Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia, and the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Movement, has the blessing of the Church. (See

“The Renewal of the Earth Will Take Place Through the Power and Imploring Force of the Blessed Virgin Mary.”      ~Our Lord to Elizabeth Kindelmann, 3/27/63


The Cause

In the Diary, Jesus and Mary speak frequently and urgently about “the Cause,” Elizabeth’s task to “put the Cause into action,” in other words, “to get it moving.” A very important question is, “Just what is this Cause?” The heart and center of the Cause is “the Flame of Love of Our Lady’s heart.” Our Lord told Elizabeth that the Flame of Love is the greatest grace God has given the world since the Word became Flesh (3/27/63).  The purpose of this Flame is “to blind Satan” so he loses control over souls (The Flame of Love Diary, p.76). By the Flame of Love, these souls will regain their freedom, so they can choose eternal life. The central goal is the salvation of every soul in the world and grace and protection for families. Another important effect is the freeing of souls from purgatory. Our Lady also promised that when someone prays during the night vigil, she will give “…grace so that the Flame of Love blesses dying persons in the whole world. I will blind Satan so that this Flame will save the dying from eternal damnation.” (The Flame of Love Diary, p.38) Although all these tremendous graces will come from the Flame of Love of Our Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart, people must know about this Flame and how they are expected to respond. This is The Cause.             ~The Flame of Love Diary, p.112

The Problem

Satan takes up his battle with the human race as never before.”

–The flame of Love Diary, 8/16/62


“Due to a lack of FAITH, earth is entering into darkness…”  ~The Flame of Love Diary, p.61


Then the Virgin spoke. “My anguish comes from the danger that threatens the whole world because families are no longer places of prayer.”   ~The Flame of Love Diary, p.72


The Lord said, “The Church and the whole world are in danger. You cannot change this situation. Only the Holy Trinity, through the unified intercession of the Blessed Virgin, the angels, the saints and the souls in purgatory, can help you.”   ~The Flame of Love Diary, p.108

Our Lady continued the teaching. “Earth is experiencing the calm before the storm, like a volcano about to explode. Earth is now in this terrible situation. The crater of hatred is boiling. I, the beautiful Ray of Dawn, will blind Satan…It will be a terrible storm, a hurricane that will want to destroy FAITH. In that dark night, heaven and earth will be illuminated by the Flame of Love that I offer to souls.”  

~The Flame of Love Diary, p.62


“When the Son of Man comes will He find any FAITH upon the earth?” -Luke 18:8

In the Church- approved apparitions of La Salette, Our Lady said, “Lucifer, together with a large number of demons, will be unleashed from hell. They will put an end to faith little by little, even those dedicated to God. They will blind people in such a way that unless they are blessed with a special grace, they will take on the spirit of the demons of hell.”

The Solution

The Flame of Love is that “special grace” or signal grace, that blinds Satan and sets people free! A signal grace is a specific needed grace for a certain period of history. God has sent the Flame of Love as an antidote for our troubled times. In the Diary, Jesus told Elizabeth, “The grace from the Flame of Love of My Mother’s Immaculate Heart will be to your generation what Noah’s Ark was to Noah.”   

“On March 27, the Lord said that the Spirit of Pentecost will flood the earth with his power and a great miracle will gain the attention of all humanity. This will be the effect of grace of the Flame of Love. Due to lack of faith, earth is entering into darkness, but earth will experience a great jolt of faith. People will believe and will create a new world. BY THE FLAME OF LOVE of My Mother’s Heart, CONFIDENCE AND FAITH WILL TAKE ROOT AGAIN. The face of the earth will be renewed because “something like this has not happened since the Word became Flesh.”   ~The Flame of Love Diary, p.61

One day in August, Jesus said, “ALL ARE INVITED TO JOIN MY SPECIAL FIGHTING FORCE. The coming of My Kingdom must be your only purpose in life. My words will reach a multitude of souls. Trust! I will help all of you in a miraculous way.” He continued, “Do not love comfort. Do not be cowards. Do not wait. Confront the storm to save souls. Give yourselves to the work. If you do nothing, you abandon the earth to Satan and to sin. Open your eyes and see all the dangers that claim victims and threaten your own souls.”  ~The Flame of Love Diary p.34

On April 12, Our Lady repeated her words, “All who delay this outpouring of grace have a grave responsibility. These words weighed heavily upon me. The Lord spoke, Do not fear. We are with you. Just do not delay.” Then, both spoke together, “Through you, we ask for a great mobilization of the whole world…Our petition is urgent. No time for delays. Let priests and their people gather in spiritual oneness. This outpouring will reach even the souls of the non-baptized.” The diary ends with Our Lady’s petition, “My children, pray for one another without ceasing. Let the outpouring of my graces produce its effect in souls.”   ~The Flame of Love Diary, p.110

On January 1, 1981, Our Lord said, “Go beyond your limits. Look at the three Wise Men who made superhuman efforts. Especially priests must act this way. Others should do likewise. We must intensify prayer. We must sacrifice for world peace and for the salvation of souls. We must go to the limit. Every parish must urgently form Communities of prayer. Bless each other with the sign of the cross.