Why do we need another devotion? We already have so many!

Written on 02/27/2018
The Flame of Love Movement, US (Philadelphia)

Many Catholics are already members of prayer groups or are very devoted to certain existing devotions. It can seem overwhelming and maybe even confusing to be faced with all the various apparitions and messages - and the related apostolates created to help spread knowledge of them. It may seem that there’s even competition among the various apostolates, all claiming to be the most important one.

But the reality is that this is simply how Our Lord and Our Lady have chosen to reveal their divine inspirations to us! They are also continuing to give us more and more in each generation.

For example, to Sr. Natalia of Hungary, when she questioned Our Lord as to why He was giving even more graces and promises (33 in total) through the "Double Great Novena to Honor the Two Sacred Hearts," He said, “Through my daughter, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, I promised the world great things, but as my kindness is infinite now I still offer more.” Rather than seeing them as competing, it might be better to see them as continuing, expanding and converging. And indeed, in this Era of Mary we seem to be witnessing an increasing convergence of devotions and apparitions, specifically through this Flame of Love grace.  Praise and glory be to His infinite kindness!

The messages given to Elizabeth Kindelmann are urgent and emphasize the “same” message as most of the other approved ones from La Salette, Akita, Betania and elsewhere, and so there is certainly continuity. But in the Flame of Love messages, we are also seeing something more, something unique. If we are to take Our Lord and Our Lady’s messages at face value, then what we are seeing through the Flame of Love grace is the expansion and fulfillment of many of their promises issued in previous apparitions as well as new protections and promises specifically for our time!

For example, this Flame of Love grace seems to be the fulfillment of the long-awaited promise, "In the end, My Immaculate Heart Will Triumph!" Jesus seems to attribute this coming triumph specifically to the Flame of Love. Elizabeth recorded Jesus as explaining to her, "By the Flame of Love, confidence and faith will take root. The face of the earth will be renewed because something like this has not happened since the Word became Flesh. Earth, although flooded with sufferings, will be renewed by Our Lady’s intercession" (Kindelmann, abridged English version, p. 61).

The Flame of Love grace also seems to offer something quite unique, in that it is the Movement of Grace and Grace is for everyone.  Grace is the heart of Christianity. God makes it very clear that the grace offered through His Mother’s Immaculate Heart is a grace that blinds Satan because grace makes Jesus present and, where Jesus is, Satan's works are destroyed.  Jesus alive in us by the great outpouring of Grace is necessary to survive the coming attacks on the Faith. Jesus told Elizabeth: “The Grace from the Flame of Love of My Mother’s Immaculate Heart will be to your generation what Noah’s Ark was to Noah.” 

Essentially, through this movement, Mary is pouring out graces necessary for these final times, a time when all of Salvation History seems to be in the final throes of destruction and renewal, living out its part in Revelation 12-18 as the Body of Christ, in its predestined recapitulation back to God the Father for all of eternity, by the powerful and humble intermediation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God -- and Mother of all humanity.

We promote this movement as a part of the extraordinary mosaic representing Our Lady's role in Salvation History, together with many other beautiful pieces, each reflecting aspects of a splendid masterpiece, which we present in unity and with unceasing gratitude. 

Please see the separate articles for more information on:

  • FATIMA and the Flame of Love
  • SACRED HEART OF JESUS and the Flame of Love
  • DIVINE MERCY and the Flame of Love
  • OUR LADY OF AMERICA and the Flame of Love
  • Other Devotions and the Flame of Love