DIVINE MERCY and the Flame of Love

Written on 03/04/2020
The Flame of Love Movement, US (Philadelphia)

Why Do We Need Another Devotion? continued...

We even see the Divine Mercy devotion clearly expressed and continued in the Flame of Love. Jesus referred to Elizabeth Kindleman also as a messenger of divine mercy. He said:

"I choose you, My little one, to be the bearer of My Divine Mercy. Fill yourself with the abundance of My Divine Mercy and when you open your mouth to speak, proclaim the mercy of My Heart burning of desire for sinners. Let your whole life be a burning desire to take part in My work of Redemption through prayer, sacrifice and desire."

Father Chris Alar, the “Father Joseph” of the Marians of the Immaculate Conception, the official promoters of Divine Mercy in the United States, has explained the connection between Divine Mercy and the Flame of Love most brilliantly! 

In a talk he gave to an audience of Flame of Love devotees (above video), he proclaimed with brilliant clarity, how Divine Mercy and the Flame of Love are tied together in the three greatest acts of mercy, best expressed in the eternal concept exitus, reditus:  “all comes from God, all will return to God.”

Fr. Alar described the three greatest acts of mercy as being: 1. Creation, 2. Redemption and 3. Sanctification (or "Divinization").

Of the third act of mercy, he explained: 

“In the third, and the final and the greatest act of mercy, the Holy Spirit will return us back to God the Father for all eternity; but we first have to be sanctified. The third and greatest act of mercy is sanctification. (In the east they call it divinization. Thomas Aquinas put it with redemption. But in essence it is three great acts of mercy.) This third great act of mercy, is the power of the Holy Spirit to transform you to be prepared to enter into eternal life...This is the Flame of Love! Your movement is the greatest act of mercy in mankind salvation history! This is it; this is everything! Salvation history culminates in our sanctification, through the power of the Holy Spirit, utilizing the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Through his redemptive act on the Cross, He rose from the dead, by the power of the Holy Spirit. This third great act of mercy is what turns us and takes us back to God the Father for all of eternity! This is the Flame of Love! This sanctification, is the love of God that the Trinity put in the heart of Mary. What was the greatest act of mercy ever bestowed on a Creature? The Immaculate Conception! So, Mary, who has this love of God in Her heart, now wants to spread it throughout the entire world. Through this Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart, She will prepare the world, as that love of the Holy Spirit is poured back onto the world, to be ready to receive it -- so that we are ready to be sanctified. That's the Flame of Love.”

Please see the separate articles for more information on:

  • FATIMA and the Flame of Love
  • SACRED HEART OF JESUS and the Flame of Love
  • OUR LADY OF AMERICA and the Flame of Love
  • Other Devotions and the Flame of Love