
P24: Tuesday – Offer this Day for the Family
Make spiritual communions for each member of the family.  Offer each person, one by one, to our dear Mother.  She will take them under her protection.  You will also offer that evening vigil for them. . . .
My daughter, you must be responsible for your family leading them to Me, each in his own particular way.  Ask for my graces on their behalf unceasingly.  We will work together and I cannot do without your support.
Mary: “On Thursday and Friday, I ask you, my daughter, to offer a very special reparation to my Divine Son.  This will be an hour for the family to make reparation.  Begin this hour with a spiritual reading, followed by the Rosary or other prayers in an atmosphere of recollection and fervor.
Let there be at least two or three, because My Divine Son is present where two or three are gathered.  Start making the sign of the Cross five times offering yourselves to the Eternal Father through the wounds of my Divine Son.  Do the same at the conclusion.  Sign yourselves this way when you get up and when you go to bed, and during the day.  This will bring you closer to the Eternal Father through my Divine Son, filling your heart with graces.”
p42: Mary: “Even on Sunday, your day of rest, you will do vigils and attend as many Masses as possible.  Offer them for the youth.  Think of the many children guided every year to my Divine Son.  How many souls are lost, not taking root because no one is concerned about their spiritual progress.  Offer these days especially for the young.  Even when my Most Holy Son was tired, He wanted the children to come to Him.  That is why you also must never be tired.  You know it is Him who asked you to continually share in His work of Redemption.”
p62: In the morning, the family again discussed the house. This depressed me. At the Lord’s request, I went for adoration from noon to 3:00 p.m. I was so upset that I could hardly walk. This family disagreement keeps getting repeated and it disturbs my soul. . . .
Jesus: “I feel compassion for you, My little one. I see your great efforts. Do not think they are in vain. I bless your family greatly. I free them from the Evil One who disturbs the family peace. Just trust in Me.”
“O Lord, the family discord is so great that only a miracle will help.”
Jesus: “Cannot I work a miracle?”
“But I am not worthy, Lord.”
Jesus: “Nevertheless, I will work a miracle. I will so bless the problem which seems impossible that all will be straightened out.”
p66: Mary: “My little Carmelite, I ask you to continually increase your desire for my Flame of Love. You know the great sorrow I have for my country. Hungarian families are torn apart and live as if the soul were not immortal. With my Flame of Love, I want to make the home come alive again with love. I want to unite families that are scattered. I want you to be numerous so that many, many souls are united to my Flame of Love. Help Me! My Flame being lit depends upon you. Let the families of Hungary plead fervently so that we can hold back the chastising hand of my Divine Son.”
p70: While we were talking in the silence of a summer night, the conversation suddenly ended. Before He left, He stayed a long time in front of our house and made me sense that he was thinking about our house. He began to list the merits of our family, those virtues which I made the children practice when they were small. He emphasized how meritorious were the fervent night prayers. He said how much He appreciated the small ejaculations that we added to those prayers. He also noted that our family was consecrated to His Sacred Heart. I experienced His blessed presence and was deeply moved. We constantly hurt Him by our many sins. He, in spite of everything, is always kind. He said:
Jesus: “I bless this house that is consecrated to My Sacred Heart.”
What a sublime experience was this blessing He gave to our family when He stayed for a long time before our house.
Jesus: “The debt that I owe to My Mother obliges Me. The abundant graces and My blessing which I gave to your family, I gave at her request because you live in this house and you desire to spread the Flame of Love of her Heart with every longing of your heart.”
p75: Jesus: “For this great task, you had to mature first in the womb of your family. Don’t forget, your principal missionary work will always be your own family. I could not entrust you with that before because I did not want you to stop halfway. Your family is the point of departure for your mission. This work is not yet finished.”
p93: With sadness, I complained to the Lord Jesus that the Evil One seeks to destroy the peace of our family. “Oh, give us peace!” I asked for abundant graces that My children live in God’s grace. He allowed me to hear His consoling voice.
Jesus: “When you are in Heaven and from up there you contemplate the death of one of your children, you will be by his bed. Your drop of oil will fall on the empty lamp and the Flame of Love of the Blessed Virgin will be lit. This great outpouring of graces will save souls from damnation. They will experience your motherly hand caressing them. Also, you will feel the great power which your many sufferings possess. These souls will also experience your hand which will help them at the moment of death. They will see your meritorious life on earth which they do not now appreciate.”
p97: Jesus: “My little one, did I send you many sufferings in these past few days? I implore you, do not grow weary of these great pains. Endure them for your family and those of the whole country. You know that Satan, foaming with rage, wants to destroy families. Let us suffer together. I suffer united to you and you to Me. I love you very much and I will not leave you without sufferings. Embrace suffering. Love only Me, serve Me with fidelity, and do not be surprised that I always manifest My love through sufferings.
The excessive love of My Heart makes Me consider you worthy of sufferings. This is the only way you can save many souls. You are a mother of a family and you are aware of the several forms of family disintegration. To save families, throw yourself into the furnace of suffering. Oh, how much sinning is done against Me by destroyed families! Make reparation and suffer for them. Do not lose the least opportunity. May our thoughts be in unison. Consider clearly the value of your sufferings..”
p106: Mary: “I rejoice because you are not pretentious. This is why I came towards you. I, the Mother of Mercy, entrusted you with the most excellent of my graces: to make my Flame of Love known to others. Why precisely you? I will tell you. Listen, my daughter, you are also the mother of a large family. Through your children you know all the pains and problems of a family. Many times you were close to falling beneath the cross of difficult trials, and you still experience many sorrows over your children. Bearing such ordeal is meritorious for you and for any mother. By divine will, these experiences that affected your life have not been in vain. I have taken them all into consideration. I know you understand me, and this is why I shared with you how I feel in my motherly Heart. My sorrow is just like your sorrow.
There are many cold families like yours in my country. I want the Flame of Love of my heart to warm them up and others just as well. I can see that you understand this well since you are living the same reality. This is why you have compassion for me. As a result, I first entrusted to you the abundance of my graces. Only a mother can truly share my sorrows. I am the Mother of Sorrows, I suffer greatly because of the souls being lost. I am tortured in pain as I grieve for the suffering of my Divine Son. Never despise any tiredness, be my eternal companion helping me bear my sufferings. This is what I ask of you.”
p143: The Blessed Virgin revealed that the light of her Flame of Love filled not only me, but all my family members, and the Evil One could not lead them into sin. That is why their souls are strengthened and prepared to receive even more graces.
The Lord spoke in the morning.
Jesus: “I was here during the night and I blessed every member of your family because of the prayer of our dear Mother. She is the one who fills your whole family with the effect of grace of her Flame of Love. How much we love you, My little one!”
p169: Mary: “My Flame of Love which I desire to spread from my heart over all of you in a greater measure extends even to the souls in purgatory. Listen closely to what I am saying. Write down my words and give them to those concerned: For those families observing a holy hour of reparation on Thursday or Friday, if someone happens to die in the family, the deceased is freed from purgatory after a single day of strict fasting observed by anyone member of the family.” (Let's understand: if he died in a state of grace.)
Note: Strict fasting does not mean suffering from hunger. It is permitted to eat bread and drink water.
P186: Today, the Lord Jesus spoke about His home in Nazareth, which was the warm and cherished living place for the Holy Family.
Jesus: “You know, this is where I prepared My Soul for the great Sacrifice, for the sufferings I endured for you. You also had to mature in the holy enclosure of the family. As you were an orphan, it is in your home as a married couple that your soul was prepared for your great vocation, which could only mature in a family setting. I know your qualities and that’s why My divine Providence ordered everything to make you ready to communicate My message to the world. It is from the family sanctuary that all of you set out for the difficult struggles of life. 
It is to the warm solidarity of the family sanctuary that souls come back to, after having strayed far. It is there that they come to find themselves and they once more return to God. It is necessary for you, mothers, to extend the warm understanding of your hearts to your children even once they have established their own homes. Great is the responsibility befalling on you. Do not think that once a child has become an adult, he no longer needs his parents. My Mother accompanied Me everywhere with her love, her sacrifices and her prayers. You must do the same, and I will bless your efforts. My beloved Mother obliges Me to that. By her powerful intercession, she obtained from Me for families this great effusion of grace, which she also wants to extend to the whole world. As she said: ‘Nothing comparable to this has happened ever since the Word became Flesh.’ 
She places the healing power of her maternal goodness at the root of evil. She did not want to perform a spectacular miracle as does occur in the large famous sanctuaries of the world, giving rise to great admiration. She wants every family to be a sanctuary, a wonderful place where, in union with you, she works miracles in the depth of hearts. Going from heart to heart, she places in your hands the Flame of Love of her heart. Through your prayers and sacrifices, it will blind Satan who wants to rule over families.”
The Blessed Virgin added the following:
Mary: “Through you, my little Carmelite, I want all to know the anguish that springs up from the boundless love of my maternal heart because of the danger threatening the entire world by the disintegration of the family sanctuaries. I direct my maternal cry to all of you, and in union with you, I want to save the world. I allow you, my little one, to be the first to feel this immense effort I am beginning to deploy in order to blind Satan.
Until the day of your death, I will share with you the anguish of my heart. Your compassionate heart makes you worthy to spread my Flame of Love. And all those who will share in my sorrow will also have the right to receive this great grace by which we will save souls from eternal damnation.”
p202: Jesus: “What I am saying now is for you and all mothers who work according to My Heart. Your work is not of less value than that of persons raised to the highest priestly dignity. Mothers of families, you must understand your sublime vocation to populate My Kingdom and to fill the places left vacant by the fallen angels. Each step of My Holy Mother the Church starts from your heart and your lap. My Kingdom grows inasmuch as you, mothers, nurture the created souls. You have the greatest work requiring a heightened sense of responsibility. Be fully aware that I have placed in your hands the task of leading a multitude of souls to eternal salvation.”
p204: While meditating on the infinite mercy of His Sacred Heart and desiring souls for Him, I recommended my family in a special way to His mercy. The Lord Jesus spoke with a gentle and lively voice.
Jesus: “Heightened trust represents a significant guarantee. Tell Me, Elizabeth, can you imagine that I would not grant you what you are asking on behalf of souls? If it were so, would I not be the One hindering My work of Redemption? I see that you are dwelling on these thoughts, so I will answer your inner questions. Obviously, I do not call everyone in the same manner. I expect more from the one who has received more. But this is not the most important thing for you. The essential is to make sacrifices on behalf of those you want to lead along My road.”
p222: Mary: “My little daughter, this maternal suffering and the injury that you must endure from others are another opportunity for you to see why I chose a mother to transmit my messages. Only a mother is able to sympathize with me. These multiple sufferings have matured you, and through your experience, you understand better the supreme importance of your participation in the work of my Divine Son.
Without it, you could not make great sacrifices since the true preparation for sacrifices can only mature in sufferings. Ponder deeply this vocation to which you were raised due to the only dignity of being a mother. Maternal dignity is at the same time a vocation saturated with sufferings, and that is what I share with you. I thank you, my little one, for your participation that is continual and filled with sacrifices. I, as a loving Mother, can assure you of your heavenly reward.”
p245: During adoration, the Lord Jesus reminded me:
Jesus: “Leave now. You must get bread for your family.”
I had forgotten this completely. With deep gratitude, I thanked Him that His attention extended also to our earthly needs. 
On the way, I kept adoring Him. When I entered the bakery, I remembered that it was Saturday and I asked, “Do you still have bread?” They said, “No.” I was scared. What will happen now? When I was about to leave, I heard them call me. They had reserved a bread, but the one for whom they had set it aside did not come to get it. At once, I said, “My adorable Jesus.” He said:
Jesus: “I am that one. Do you see? The time you spend with Me should not harm your family.”