Embracing Suffering and Other Sacrifices

p15: Jesus: “. . . Accept faithfully the sacrifices that I ask of you for My Cause.  Many ask repeatedly to share in My works, but when they must accept a sacrifice from My own hands, they are afraid of Me.
Do not deny Me your sufferings, and help for the conversion of sinners.”
p31: Jesus: “May your love for Me be burning and filled with fervor.  Suffer with love and listen to My voice with greater love.  To hear My voice, you must be very silent.  Only souls plunged into My love can hear My delicate and silent voice.  Keep your desire for Me alive and be a living host for love.  Only the constant acceptance of sacrifices keeps the fire of love burning.”
p33: Jesus: “Be loyal, do not seek consolations.  Renounce yourself and love only Me.”
p34: Mary: “Ardently long to make sacrifices, my little Carmelite.  Constantly feed the Flame of my Love by your sufferings.”
p35: Jesus: “Suffer with Me, My daughter.”
p36: Jesus: “Truly I am indebted towards you and grateful.  Does this surprise you? Do not be amazed.  Even the slightest sacrifice soothes My infinite, harrowing thirst.  Do not live even for one instant without sacrifice.
Jesus: “I must tell you that, recently, I have called many souls to follow Me in this special way.  However, very few understood what I wanted from them.  Include them unceasingly in your prayers and make sacrifices for them, so that the army of souls who make reparation that I am thus trying to gather may provide a counterbalance to My just wrath.”
p37: Now, since the Lord Jesus deprived me of both His words and His presence, a great dryness was consuming my soul.  As I knelt speechless, I remembered the Lord’s words:
Jesus: “One Our Father or one Hail Mary prayed in the midst of spiritual dryness is much more fruitful than exuberant prayers of someone who abounds in spiritual favors.”
p38: Mary: To receive great graces, your soul must be prepared by greater sufferings. This is the only way to increase grace in your soul. . . . This test [attacks from Satan] was an opportunity to gain merits for others.  Make constant sacrifices for the twelve priests because they, too, will suffer.  Be happy that you can suffer with them.” 
p40: Mary: “Just live in hidden humility and be consumed in suffering.  I, the Mother of Sorrows, feel as if, with each of your sufferings, you pour medicinal balm upon the wounds of my Divine Son.
Be a soul which cannot live without sufferings.  By their union with the sufferings of my Divine Son, these souls increasingly feel His closeness.  Desire with all your heart that my Flame of Love be lit quickly and blind Satan.”
Jesus: “I choose you, My little one, to be the bearer of My Divine Mercy.  Fill yourself with the abundance of My Divine Mercy and when you open your mouth to speak, proclaim the mercy of My Heart burning with desire for sinners.  Let your whole life be a burning desire to take part in My work of Redemption through prayer, sacrifice, and desire.”
“. . . serve Me with greater surrender.  Do not let the power of routine take control.
Let your sacrifices always be fervent.  I would like to increase my graces in you.  However, to do that, I need greater acceptance of sacrifices.  Accept My plea, be very humble and renounce every pleasure which does not serve Me. . . . .
I want you to increase your fasts if you accept.  Do not give yourself to any pleasure.  Let your breakfast and your afternoon meal be bread and water.  You can have other foods only at your principal meal, but make them tasteless.  Do not eat to please your taste but only to nourish your body.  Anyway, the body will demand what it needs.”
p42: Jesus: “My little Carmelite, you have accepted all the sacrifices that I have asked for lately.  Perhaps you are surprised but I must thank you.  Do you see how your Master is so condescending? Yet, I will go still further.  Unite your sufferings totally with Mine.  Then your merits will grow greatly and they will move My redemptive work ahead.  Keep this great grace you have received from Me in the depth of your soul.  It is a special gift from God.  He honors you, poor little soul.  Can he give you anything more sublime? Learn from Me.  I chose you because you are small and miserable.  Never tire of suffering for Me.  With the help of My grace, dedicate yourself even more.”
p47: The spiritual dryness had lasted for so long and my misery had kept me tied to the ground.  I accepted this willingly because it was for the good of my soul.
P47: Jesus: “My daughter, I ask for many mortifications so I can give you many graces in return.  Let the spirit of sacrifice, or prayer and of mortification always burn within you.  Remain always silent because only in this way God’s voice will continue to speak within you.  Be silent and do not praise yourself.  Your spiritual life must take root in silence.”
p52: Early this morning, when I finished my second hour of night prayer, the Savior said in a pleading voice:
Jesus: “My little one, suffer with Me.  Feel what I feel! Relieve My sorrow.”
p58: Mary: “My little Carmelite, intensify your desire so that my Flame of Love will be put into action.  Make even greater sacrifices.”
It is with these very words that she spoke to me.  She also repeated them on the feast of her Visitation.
Mary: “Offer me greater sacrifices.  Do not ask how, just improvise!”
Because of her request, I ate only bread and water and a little fruit for nine days.  When she asked a second time, I deprived myself of water on various days.
p59: Mary: “The past days have brought you many sufferings, is this not true? You have many doubts whether making so many sacrifices that demand such efforts is useful. I gazed at you with joy. So you could gain more strength and make even greater sacrifices, I did not want to console you amid your doubts. I will obtain a great grace for you.”
p68: Mary: “Accept the sufferings I will send to you: bodily sorrows, spiritual torments and great dryness of soul. In exchange, I will keep you safe from all sin. We will not allow you to be separated from us. You are here at our feet and we will fill you with innumerable graces. We will even make your faults and sins serve the good of your soul. These will always keep you humble. Always be concerned about humility. Only a very humble soul can fulfill our Cause.
Do not fear. You do not suffer alone but with me, with us. You will suffer much because consecrated souls will have many objections against our Holy Cause. We know that you will accept them with love. We see both your internal and external sufferings. You have thought about my Flame of Love for months. You yourself can see the need for persevering strength.”
p71: Mary: “My Divine Son unites your humiliations to His sufferings, which are of eternal value. And now, prepare your soul and body for still greater sufferings, in whatever way and measure they come upon you. Do not retreat, be humble, patient and persevering.”
When the Blessed Virgin said this, a great anguish oppressed my heart. She had announced at other times that I would suffer. However, this time I trembled within… 
“My beloved Jesus and loving Mother, I have great fear concerning the sufferings and humiliations that you warn me about. Without you, I am nothing. Hold me tightly.”
p71: Once, I wanted to leave after the 7:00 a.m. Holy Mass, but Jesus’ sweet voice tried to hold me back.
Jesus: “Why do you want to leave Me? Can we not walk together? Do not go. Why are you in such a hurry?”
I wanted to weed my garden because the weather was favorable.
Jesus: “Don’t you want to attend the following Holy Mass? You know, do you not, why I called you to remain so close to Me? What you can do for Me, give it precedence over all other things! What did I tell you? Your great merit is suffering in whatever form it takes. Cover My holy hands with kisses. Have you forgotten that I chained you to My feet at your own request?
Why do you prefer some passing goal? Do you not trust the value of sufferings? I give value to your sufferings and it causes Me sorrow if you do not appreciate them. I would think that you are not accepting them with love. Without love, even great things have no value.”
p76: The frequent temptations exhaust me very much and I undergo many battles because of the Flame of Love of the Blessed Virgin. When I realize clearly that I suffer for the Flame of Love, all becomes easy. The greatest suffering is when my soul is in total darkness and the awful torment of doubts weigh upon me. This suffering, produced by internal anguish, invades me so greatly that I hardly have the strength to walk.
p82: Many times, the Blessed Virgin makes me feel her sorrow. Some days, I suffer so much with her that I can hardly walk. All morning, she poured into me, to a great degree, this grace of suffering. Because of my tearful eyes, I tried to avoid everyone, so they would not notice my great affliction. I have only one thought – to fulfill all that she asks of me.
p83: Jesus: “I teach you so you learn and teach others how to gather souls. The will of the soul is love, and love can do everything. You must just desire with all your strength. May our thoughts be always in unison – to save souls from eternal damnation. Only in this way can you lessen My cruel sorrow. Let that not be boring to you. I have repeated it to you over and over: Suffer with Me.”
p87: Jesus: “You suffer, do you not? Suffer for Me. This is My gift. You can only receive suffering like this from Me. Whether the suffering is spiritual or bodily, accept it from pure love for Me. You know what I told you: We must go up to Calvary. May our feet journey together. And if you are feeling alone, I permit it only so that you receive merits that you can offer for your faults and for souls consecrated to Me. . . . .
Do not be frightened by the suffering that frequently comes upon your soul. I do this to get you accustomed to sufferings. By these, we walk together and gather together.”
p88: Jesus: “My little Carmelite, your continual sacrifices give witness to your continual fidelity to Me and to My work of Salvation. These make you walk on the path of martyrdom. Do not fear, our feet journey together, and even though you grieve, let us continue walking together. I am giving you abundant graces, My little one, because My Heart overflows with love and prompts Me to be lavish. I fill each of your efforts with graces that are a thousand times greater. Would that many souls loved Me as you do. What great joy I would experience if I could give to many souls the abundant graces which I give to you.”
p92: At Communion, the lack of a spiritual guide weighed again on my soul. The Lord Jesus reprimanded me lovingly.
Jesus: “Be patient, and let the value of your suffering be well obvious to your eyes. I tell you why I leave you without a spiritual guide. Offer this suffering so there will be many true spiritual guides. I allow you to experience this suffering on behalf of many others. Ask for abundant graces so that there will be many holy confessors. How many souls would come closer to Me if spiritual directors guided souls with more understanding and patience. Let that also be part of your missionary work. Sacrifice much for this. May our hands gather in unity.” (His voice was gracefully entreating.)
p95: Meanwhile, a great feeling of anguish filled my inner being, which is the suffering the Lord gives in order for me to reap souls along with Him.
p97: He promised to give me special strength for every trial and told me to keep trying.
Jesus: “The main thing is to fight continually.”
Although He spoke of many things, I could not record them all. Experiencing such goodness, my heart was moved. I said to the Lord Jesus: “My Jesus, You know that my soul is ready, but my flesh is weak.” He filled my soul with the strength of His grace. Then He spoke to me, just as we humans speak to each other.
Jesus: “You see My riches. I need you and I enrich you. Therefore, may our hands gather in unity since our thoughts are one and our souls are in harmony.
You can see how intimate our prayer is. My little one, when I will be able to speak with many, My complaining words will be less frequent. I ask you to take advantage of every opportunity to ask our heavenly Father that more would know Me. For many, this is not easy, but they will experience difficulty only until they get very close to Me. Once they are beside Me, all will be easy because love makes sacrifices easy to bear.”
p97: Jesus: “My little one, did I send you many sufferings in these past few days? I implore you, do not grow weary of these great pains. Endure them for your family and those of the whole country. You know that Satan, foaming with rage, wants to destroy families. Let us suffer together. I suffer united to you and you to Me. I love you very much and I will not leave you without sufferings. Embrace suffering. Love only Me, serve Me with fidelity, and do not be surprised that I always manifest My love through sufferings.
The excessive love of My Heart makes Me consider you worthy of sufferings. This is the only way you can save many souls. You are a mother of a family and you are aware of the several forms of family disintegration. To save families, throw yourself into the furnace of suffering. Oh, how much sinning is done against Me by destroyed families! Make reparation and suffer for them. Do not lose the least opportunity. May our thoughts be in unison. Consider clearly the value of your sufferings. The number of those reaping with Me is so small. Do you know why? Because there are no souls willing to bear sufferings, especially those who would do it steadily. Without it, they cannot merit that I shower My graces on them continuously.”
p103: Mary: “My little one, your acceptance of sacrifices and your faithfulness stir me to pour out upon all in a greater measure the effect of my Flame of Love, but first of all and in a greater measure on you, because you are the first to receive it.”
After this, the Blessed Virgin prepared me for even greater sufferings. This caused me no fear because I possessed the Flame of Love of the Blessed Virgin. I knew I was clothed with a great power which gave me almost superhuman strength and consolation.
p104: Jesus: “Be My little sunflower and turn toward Me your oily seeds which mature in the rays of the divine Sun. Do you want your oily seeds to be greater each time? Then accept every sacrifice I offer you. Only in this way can your oily seeds be useful. Do you want Me to squeeze your seeds so the oil comes out? We can do this only through sacrifices. 
These drops of oil squeezed by your sufferings will fall in the empty lamps of souls, and the fire will be lit in them by the Flame of Love of My Mother. By its light, they will find the road that leads to Me. This drop of oil squeezed out by your sufferings, when united to My merits, will fall on those souls who still do not have a lamp. They will be astounded and will seek its cause, and they will find the road that leads to salvation.”
(Editor’s note – Those without lamps are pagans who do not yet have light of true faith.)
p111: The Blessed Virgin had assured me that it is only through humiliations that I would be ready to spread her Flame of Love.
P123: Jesus: “Your great and violent sufferings have exhausted you. Why are you surprised? Did I not prepare you for this? Beforehand, I gave you great graces. These gave you strength for the great sufferings, and now, because you have endured these great sufferings, I can fill you with a greater abundance of grace. Each time, I multiply and intensify these great sufferings in your soul. Then I strengthen you with the grace of perfect abandonment so we both have success. The rage of Satan is savage. I permit him to be unchained against you so he can see how great is the power of My grace in a soul that is abandoned to Me.”
p131: Jesus: “Although I will intensify and increase your sufferings, I will also add a grace to strengthen you and give you courage. I see that you make good use of the grace of abandonment. Try never to lose this wonderful grace which completely dominates your soul. Make every effort to use it in all that follows. Satan knows it very well, and he wholeheartedly wants to divest you of this grace. It is I who permitted this for him to see what surrendering to Me can produce in the soul.”
p135: Jesus: “My little one, never leave Me without your sufferings.”
For several days, He repeated this many times. His words gave birth to a very passionate desire in my soul. I longed so much to suffer. Right before Communion, He unexpectedly said:
Jesus: “Beginning today, I will allow continuous suffering in your soul, which will go beyond all that you have suffered until now.”
Great happiness filled my soul. Finally, His desire will be fulfilled. He had already asked if He could place me in the furnace of sufferings. Now, by His grace, I will be able to do this. “Now that you have arranged for continual sufferings in my soul, after many obstacles and in spite of them, I have finally come to You. Now, finally, I thirst being close to You…”
p142: Jesus: “I will increase your sufferings until martyrdom.”
. . . . 
“O my Mother, most holy sorrowful and immaculate Virgin, I give you thanks. By the effect of grace of your Flame of Love, you gave me the great opportunity to merit.” The joy of that moment lives continually in my soul. O come, blessed suffering, by which I can give my life for the Holy Cause.
p143: My little daughter is sick. I thought of going to the doctor to know what to do. The Lord calmed me down.
Jesus: “Do not go anywhere. It will be for the good of your daughter if she is not cured.”
These words depressed my heart because she has a husband and a child. The Lord Jesus also told me why He would not cure her.
Jesus: “Your daughter always has temptations. By a long sickness, I will fill her with abundant graces. Her soul will be purified of the great temptations and, from now on, she will undergo sufferings with patience.”
p150: Jesus: “Do you know the greatest suffering? To be misunderstood. This is the greatest torment. This will also be the sorrow of your soul, even until death. I endured it also during My entire life. You should not be greater than I, My little one. May our souls be in harmony and our lips beg together our heavenly Father.”
Suffering keeps my soul in great dryness. During these moments, suffering seems senseless and even slightly dull.
Jesus: “I must give you a gentle reproach. How hard it is for you to comprehend the value and the meaning of your sufferings! Suffering is truly meritorious only if the soul accepts it with a full self-giving.”
“You know, my Jesus, what You are asking is beyond me. My soul seeks continuously to serve You, but my body is in continual battle. In spiritual dryness, I can never see God’s Holy Will clearly.”
p152: Jesus: “Always give Me new and abundant sacrifices. I am sowing in your soul the seed of My graces, My holy doctrine. Cultivate it in your soul by your prayers, mortifications, and a continual acceptance of sacrifices. Do not forget how painful for Me is the fate of the seeds that fall by the roadside. . . . “
p153: Jesus: “All of you must discard your false humility that keeps you away from Me. I say this because you stay far from Me by claiming that you are not worthy. Really, your sins cause you to starve for My love. So, make yourselves worthy by repentance. To you, I say: Suffer for them, especially when the suffering seems so dark. Let all come to Me with confidence. Suffering is dark only when you are close to earth. My little one, are you beginning to understand? 
At your birth, I wrote about suffering in the story of your life and I will continue to write it until your final day. But I give the light of My grace so you can see its value. The closer you come to Me, the more I will enlighten you with My brightness. When you arrive in Heaven before the Most Blessed Trinity, you will see the value of your sufferings that will last forever and never become obscure. There, I will reveal them to you like a movie, filled with merits and wonders. This transformation united with My merits and the Spirit’s illumination will plunge your soul into the most beautiful ecstasy.”
p158: Jesus: “Suffer with courage, perseverance and a sincere abandonment. Don’t ponder if the suffering is large or small. All that you can still do for Me on earth is meritorious. Time is short, little sister, and never returns. What you do not accept at a given moment will never again become available to you because I think that you would not receive it willingly. On everything you do place the mark of your love and the seal of your decision. Do everything with a selfless love. In this way, you will joyfully share in My work of Salvation.
Every small drop of suffering accepted from sacrifice and love delights the Most Holy Trinity. In the company of the Trinity, you will enjoy it. This will be your reward which is not from this world.”
p159: Jesus: “Suffer with courage, perseverance and a sincere abandonment. Don’t ponder if the suffering is large or small. All that you can still do for Me on earth is meritorious. Time is short, little sister, and never returns. What you do not accept at a given moment will never again become available to you because I think that you would not receive it willingly. On everything you do place the mark of your love and the seal of your decision. Do everything with a selfless love. In this way, you will joyfully share in My work of Salvation.
Every small drop of suffering accepted from sacrifice and love delights the Most Holy Trinity. In the company of the Trinity, you will enjoy it. This will be your reward which is not from this world.”
p159: Sometimes, I suffer overwhelming spiritual sorrows and can hardly stay on my feet. I suffer for the dying so they are not damned. Amid these fearful sufferings, the Lord Jesus spoke.
Jesus: “Are you truly suffering much? I am the One who wants it that way and I know that you always want what I want. You must be abandoned, misunderstood and despised to truly share in My work of Redemption which saves many, many souls. In My abundant grace, your sufferings become more and more meritorious.”
p160: Jesus: “No matter how painful, accept this suffering. You are receiving graces that other souls would only receive over a period of several decades. Be very grateful for that.”
p161: Jesus: “Do you know what makes the soul to live in truth? The continuous exercise of prayer and sacrifice. Without these, your souls are sick and will die. Yes, it is necessary to give the body what it needs. The soul also has needs.”
p164: Jesus: “I told you that whoever knows something about the Flame of Love of our Mother can only deserve being worthy of serving our Cause through sufferings and humiliations.”
p179: Jesus: “To you! What will I not grant to you! As you have asked, I will increase My graces. Through your sufferings, you have widened your soul. Now, everything I want to give you fits in your soul. Each sacrifice is a new bank deposit in Heaven that you will bring with you. Through Me, the multitude of souls will receive its interest after your death.”
p205: Jesus: “Do you wonder how the eternal thought of My Divinity is so clear for you? Every soul which, having committed to a life of sacrifice to fully share in My work of Redemption, will receive it from Me. Sacrifice gives glitter to your works and you can recognize My desire at their light. I have already given you various instructions on that subject. Desire is a wonderful instrument that already contains the concept of sacrifice. For instance, a child wanting to be an excellent student will accomplish this if he studies tenaciously. A mother desiring a new child is also accepting the related sacrifice. A scientist conducting research also implies sacrifice. An athlete wanting to be the best will undergo endless sacrifices. A father building a house for the family expects to make great sacrifices. That is why I continually urge you to fill your heart with desire, because that carries within it sacrifice. They are inseparable.”
p207: Jesus: “Place your head on My Heart and let this nearness fill you with strength for your future battles. I do not want to console you because you suffer from joy, and whoever suffers from joy does not want to be consoled. I give you My divine strength, you certainly need it. The sacrifice that I await from many is made only by a few. This translates into a setback for My work of Redemption.”
p208: When I entered my small room, I greeted Him, “Praise be Jesus Christ.” With the lightest of sensations, He made His presence known. This lasted just a few minutes. Then He filled me with a heavy anguish and a sorrow filled with worry. He did this so much that I had to hold onto something not to collapse. The Lord spoke with sorrow.
Jesus: “I have you partake in My suffering of Soul and Body just as I had to as a Man. I did not use the power of My Divinity, it was only as a Man that I lived the horrors of the night of Gethsemane. I honor you with the extraordinary pains in My Body and Soul. In truth, this suffering means that you participate more deeply in My work of Redemption.”
p214: Mary: “I speak with you, my little Carmelite, with all the love of my motherly heart. Fan the Flame of Love of my heart with your sacrifices!  Do not allow the Flame of Love which I poured out on you in such a privileged manner to flicker weakly in you.”
Because I did not know why the Blessed Virgin said this, I asked her. She gently answered.
Mary: “So that you use well the time that has been given to you, with a growing desire to lead a life of sacrifice here on earth.”
p215: Jesus: “Only through sorrows and sufferings does My Holy Cause make progress.”
p232: Jesus: “Listen to Me, and do not be surprised that I have complained for some days even about pious souls. Unfortunately, I have a serious reason for that. I want you to atone for them also, because pious souls who make no sacrifices hurt My Heart even more. Oh, how sad I am to see the multitude of devout souls living a pious life without earning much merit on behalf of their eternal salvation. So many of them do not attempt to come close to Me in any way as though they’re afraid. The sorrow for their sins does not stem from love. 
Write down My words, or better, My request to those who are indifferent: there is no progress without sacrifice. I am not happy with a sterile piety. It is like a tree that produces no fruit. I will add this, My Elizabeth: the pious people who are like this do not even think at what point their soul is gray and dark. The light of grace only penetrates and illumines the soul burning with love to the degree that they expose their soul to the transforming effect of My grace.
Do not be surprised that I speak in a severe tone of voice. This severity springs also from My love. I would like them to take at heart My words and that they prostrate themselves before Me in an atoning adoration and a repentant heart. For it is also a habit of pious souls to think that after having spent a good time at their devotions, they have already given to God what is God's.
Oh, you fools! If you could only feel the immense pain your pious indifference causes to My divine Heart. I am the Victim and it was not by pious attitudes but only by a continual acceptance of sacrifices that I brought about My redemptive work. Repent! Repent! Repent! This is what I am asking you. The voice of repentance reaches up to the throne of My heavenly Father. It is the voice holding back the arm of justice of My Father.”
Pious Souls – Repent
November 10, 1964
The Lord continued His complaints against the pious souls.
Jesus: “It seems to Me that you have forgotten that I already pronounced these words when I was carrying My Cross, and the holy women were weeping for Me more than for their own sins. Again, I ask pious souls to repent. Repent on behalf of others as well.”
p234: Jesus: “The water of My graces, like a stream, flows continually into your soul. Now is the moment to tell you why these abundant graces remain in your soul. By your sacrifices, you have dug a deep channel and the water of My divine graces, with its purifying power, has found a place in your soul. If you had not prepared this deep channel by your sacrifices, the purifying water of My graces would have drained off.
Do not grow angry, My Elizabeth, if I want to console you but that My words end up as complaints. This does not come from Me, your understanding heart leads Me to complain. Oh, how many, many souls receive My abundant graces, but they are not prepared, and the purifying water of My love drains out. Their souls lose this grace. How this hurts Me! But I will stop complaining because I must strengthen and prepare you for the battles that await you. The water of My graces have found rest in the channel of your soul. So now, the drops of oil squeezed from your sufferings float on top of the fountain of My graces. See how your drops of oil are shining upon the mirror of silvery water! They shine like pure gold.”
p236: Jesus: “Are you suffering much? Let your sacrificial suffering not stop! Do you know why? The same way I let the darkness of doubts and the spiritual anguish come over you, to the same extent I will put light and relief in the souls who are going to set into motion what I am communicating through you.
My Elizabeth, suffer with heroism, with perseverance and constancy. From time to time, I will lift the veil that hides My divine will. I will show you My satisfaction, so you can receive strength from time to time for your soul to be filled with the abundance of My divine grace that you must pass on to others, so that they praise and glorify God for His infinite goodness.”
p236: Mary: “ . . . my Flame of Love will blind Satan. I have placed this Flame of Love in your hands, and soon it will reach its destination, and the flames which spring from my love will quench the fire of hell. My Flame of Love, with its unimaginable light and beneficent warmth, will wrap the earth. To accomplish this, my little one, I need sacrifice, your sacrifice and the sacrifice of many such that the minds and hearts where the infernal hatred is burning may receive the soft light of my Flame of Love.”
. . . . . 
The greater the number of souls who sacrifice and watch in prayer, the greater the power of my Flame of Love on earth will be.“
p249: Jesus: “Now, you must endure the suffering and darkness which My disciples experienced after My death. But as I sent the Holy Spirit upon them, I will also send Him upon all those for whom you must suffer. Now, in the middle of the sufferings, you comprehend what you did not understand before. This miracle is the repeated coming of the Holy Spirit that many await, and the light of His grace will spread and penetrate the whole earth.”
p249: Jesus: “Be very strong. I will not increase your level of suffering.”
I was astounded by these words. I will not receive more sufferings? “My adored Jesus, does this mean that You are withdrawing Your love from me? This saddens me even more.” And I sorrowfully complained to the Lord Jesus. “Suffering for me is when I do not suffer. Now, how can I come before You? Your love, made as one with sufferings, dominates my soul and now, it will not dominate it anymore. What will happen to me?” My heart became heavy and I asked the Lord: “Adorable Jesus, why do You treat me this way? Do I not merit sufferings? Am I not strong enough to undergo them?” I complained to the Lord Jesus for a long time. Again, He spoke.
Jesus: “I see that you did not understand Me. Until now, I gave you as many sufferings as your human strength could undergo. From now on, I will not increase them because you have already reached your limit. There is no room left in your heart and soul. I repeat, persevere and be at peace, you are the vase full to overflowing with the sufferings you have received. Besides, I will not lessen My love but I will not increase your suffering. I already told you that I will not spare you. You must suffer until your last breath.”
p251: There is always a great and continual longing for God in my heart. I accepted life, death and suffering according to His Holy Will. This filled me with such felicity words cannot express it. My heart throbbed with happiness.
p254: I am either a fool and a liar or what is happening in me is true. If it is true, then I cannot stand around with my arms folded while souls are perishing. I cannot be frightened by this question of blinding Satan. I must make whatever sacrifice is demanded.
p258: Jesus: “ . . . . Now I will change your sufferings. I will no longer send you the torments of doubts. Once and for all, until the end of your life, the fire of charity will burn you. In your longing for souls, this fire will consume the strength of your body.”
Because the Lord Jesus had not yet given me this new suffering, I did not understand His words about the fire of charity that will burn me, and the strength of my body that will be consumed in my longing for souls.
After a few days, I felt as if a burning arrow had been thrust into my soul. By this suffering, souls must be saved from damnation. Since then, I do not even know myself. How can I understand? I am this burning fire of charity but I cannot describe it. Some feelings are exclusive secrets between the soul and God.
p262: So that others can understand the conversation, first I must write about what happened in the family. In a short period of time, two grandchildren were born. One on August 22, feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the other on September 8.
And so, for my little strength, the work was excessive. I felt that I could not carry on. I begged the Lord in His kindness to give me strength because I could not manage to help my two daughters-in-law. When I awoke the next day, I possessed an amazing vitality. I worked all day with no tiredness. This lasted for two weeks. This extraordinary strength, I realized, distanced me from the Lord. I even thought that if it continued this way and if I remained in this great physical shape, I could even go back to work. I entertained these thoughts because I had regained my bodily strength. Then the Lord Jesus spoke.
Jesus: “Now, you will understand even better why I stripped you of your bodily strength. You see, while you were weak, you served Me with all your strength. Now that I have increased your strength, you do not serve Me as before. Your thoughts are distracted and you give Me less time. Moreover, you do not stay with Me as you did before. As to the length of time and strength, it affects Me much less. This strength will remain just a few days before I take it away. I only gave it for the good of your family.”
November 1-2, 1965
The Lord Jesus flooded me with extraordinary sufferings which grew greater at night. I was bent over when I walked. Also, a fear of death took hold of me. I had never experienced this in all my life. . . . .
The next morning, I felt a relief which increased throughout the day. Suddenly, the Lord Jesus spoke again.
Jesus: “My Soul, do you believe that I love you very much? I used this violent suffering which you have endured for the suffering souls. Now, I smile upon you.”
At that moment, I felt as if my soul separated from my body. The Lord Jesus spoke again.
Jesus: “God smiles upon you. You see, with My divine smile, you can easily endure the great and violent sufferings. The souls in purgatory need your sufferings so much because you now share in the work of the Church Suffering. Suffer with a smile! Let no one know, let no one see, this is a secret between the two of us. Only God grants this and I give it only to the souls who know how to endure ceaseless sufferings with a smile.”
p269: Jesus: “My light permeates you and surrounds you. Through Me, you enlighten in the obscure Advent these souls awaiting Me. The sacrifices of your life, united with My merits, will be light for them. I said, ‘You are the light of the world’ to those whom I filled with the special light of My grace. You and others must give light to the dark parts of the earth which are in the shadow of sin, such that My divine light attracts towards the true road those souls teetering in the shadow of sin and death.”
Today, I meditated all day on the Lord’s words, and I thought especially of these: “The sacrifices of your life, united with My merits, will be light for them.” 
p275: Jesus: “On the chords of your soul, I play the melody of repentance. Upon hearing this melody, even the obstinate sinner will convert. This melody comes from all the suffering you accept. It is the melody of your accepted sacrifices whose sound penetrates souls, and through it, you make reparation for sinners.”
p277: Jesus: “Look, the Word became Flesh.”
No matter what I tried, I was not able to grasp the significance. The Lord Jesus drew my attention to this reality. “Even now, adorable Jesus, I cannot grasp this miracle.” The Lord Jesus continued:
Jesus: “I am not surprised, My little one. I reassure you, no one has understood this great miracle until now except My Mother; for to understand it, it is necessary to accept suffering also. It is only through suffering that the soul can understand the great miracle of the Incarnation of the Word. Through the consummation of the sacrifice, will be clarified in your soul what I did for you, for all.”
p279: Jesus: “Do you wonder how you can see and comprehend the divine mysteries with so much clarity? Only can see them is the one whose sight is one with My divine gaze, and whose thought is one with My thoughts. My Elizabeth, many of the divine mysteries you’ve been experiencing on account of my divine clarity in periods of ecstasy, strengthen you across the suffering that you must bear for the salvation of souls. I know you suffer with joy and I will continually strengthen your availability for sacrifices since I know you will need it and those I have sent you to, with respect to our holy communications. You must make sacrifices on their behalf.
p280: Jesus: “Each tear drop that the suffering draws from your eyes will fall upon the souls of sinners and bring forth their tears of repentance.”