2000 Flame of Love Hail Marys every 7th/8th of the month

Written on 01/06/2025
John Sullivan

Come join this powerful worldwide effort to flood humanity with the effect of grace of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and blind Satan from one end of the Earth to the other!

The 2000 Flame of Love Hail Mary event occurs every 7th/8th of the month depending on where in the world you are.  It is NOT necessary to stay for the entire 2000 Hail Marys.  Drop in as you can to add your voice to those around the world driving out Satan and putting out the fires of hatred with the Flame of Love.

The 2000 Flame of Love Hail Marys start at 11:00 PM UTC on the 7th.  That is the 7th at 7:00 PM EDT / midnight BST / the 8th 7:00 AM AWT.  The below graphic for a more complete time listing.

USA: @flameofloveoftheimmaculate4758
USA: @MetanoiaPrayerRoom
Philippines: @folphil8537

Let us flood all humanity with the effect of grace of the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary!