by The Flame of Love Movement, US (Philadelphia)

Consecration of the Flame of Love Apostolate

Immaculate Mary, Queen of Heaven and earth, Mother of Mercy and Our Mother, through whom Almighty God has deigned to extend the most powerful Grace to mankind since the Word became flesh, we consecrate to you this day, completely and forever, the Flame of Love Apostolate, formed to assist you in saving your children, accelerating your Triumph, and welcoming the Second Pentecost of the Holy Spirit.

T The Flame of Love Movement, US (Philadelphia)
by The Flame of Love Movement, US (Philadelphia)

What do Our Lord and Lady want us to do?

First ​- Pray, ask and beg for the grace to fast, as you will need graces to be able to offer such sacrifices! You will not be able to do this on your own will. As with all mortifications like fasting, be loving, honest, and wise. It is the Flame of Love and not the Flame of Responsibility. We do not ask what do I have to do but what can I do. If you can fast more, fast more. If you honestly cannot fast as much, do not and offer some other form of sacrifice. For medical reasons, some people should not fast at all. For more information about Flame of Love Fasts, listen to

T The Flame of Love Movement, US (Philadelphia)
by The Flame of Love Movement, US (Philadelphia)

How to Approach Your Pastor about the Flame of Love Grace

1. Most priests have not yet heard of the Movement nor the Grace. Please do not assume that your relationship with your Pastor will permit immediate approval. Pastors have a duty to be prudent, and they will most always want to see all the evidence of church approval. A few will actually decline or defer the decision.

T The Flame of Love Movement, US (Philadelphia)
by The Flame of Love Movement, US (Philadelphia)

Helpful Hints for Cenacle Leaders

1) List your cenacle on the website. Direct link to do this is: At top of that page, under Greater Philadelphia area, click on “If you would like to have your prayer cenacle added to this website, please fill out this form."

T The Flame of Love Movement, US (Philadelphia)
by The Flame of Love Movement, US (Philadelphia)

Are You Called to Spread the Flame of Love in Your Area?

1. Pray this Prayer: “Holy Spirit, you are the Love between the Father and Son, the Sanctifier, the Author of Grace, the Giver of Gifts, especially Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge and Counsel, I beg You, through Your Spouse and My Mother Mary, and the power of the Flame of Love of Her Immaculate Heart, convict me to spread this Grace and show me how to do so.”

T The Flame of Love Movement, US (Philadelphia)
by The Flame of Love Movement, US (Philadelphia)

How can I start a Flame of Love Cenacle?

1. The first purpose of the Flame of Love (FOL) is for you to become holy.

T The Flame of Love Movement, US (Philadelphia)